September-October 2021 Newsletter
We are excited to share with you some new voices, insights, positive vibes, and empowering stories to inspire The Rising Hero In You this month and beyond!
Lacy Frazer and Marie Mohler talk about the next stage of the Hero’s Journey known as Crossing The Threshold in their rich and wonderful Fireside Chats September podcast. A new guest, Jonathan William, joined Marie for a deep dose of Mind Body Spirit Fitness where they discuss Cultivating Connections through Pyramids of Presence. Jonathan offers helpful tools and insights from his recently published book. Our Global Spotlight led us across the pond to the UK and then to Costa Rica where special guests Joanna Plaza and Lee Peters share their real life experiences with Answering The Call To Adventure and Crossing The Threshold. Our amazing friend, writer, and WSSF Team Member, Renee Taintor, joined Lacy and Marie for the inaugural podcast of Literacy Chats, where we discuss The Power of Language. We explore how language and words can be our ally in liberating and creating our lives, and how they can also incarcerate and limit our lives. We look forward to delving deeper into this topic
in another Literacy Chats coming soon.
Renee Taintor writes monthly now for Whole Soul School and Foundation. And she has blessed us again with some moving insights in her September blog entitled: Know Yourself Through The Sacred Wisdom Of Your Heart. In this recent article, she writes:
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
– Aristotle
We last spoke about partnering with your heart as you continue on the path of the Hero’s journey. The dynamic, living relationship you co-create with your heart is your lifeline to your Self and infinite wisdom and knowledge.
Your confidence grows in this sacred relationship as you have conversations with yourself and your heart. This is the source for YOUR truth. There are no secrets or hidden agendas. You can trust your heart to lead you out of the old ways of being and into the true self that you seek. Finding out who you are now and finding the you that is unfolding on your Hero’s Journey . . . is a grand adventure.
Do you really know yourself? Or is your self image made up of things you were told about yourself, assumptions you made, expectations from yourself, parents, and friends. And teachers, books, movies and influencers? Who are you and what thoughts and perceptions have created the you in this moment? . . .
This part of the journey is about you facing you. It’s about you finding the truth about your preferences and beliefs, which is essentially delving deeper into how you think and feel about everything in your life. Even little details are significant in this inner inquiry into knowing thyself on a deeper level. . . . You are the only one making the choices for you now. You are building your foundation from your own wisdom.
To read Renee’s entire post, please click here ( .
We also sprinkled Flower Diamond’s mystical poetry throughout our social media posts this month to inspire you to reflect on these words of wisdom and these invitations to deeper self and soul exploration. You can find more of these literary gems on WSSF’s Facebook ( and Twitter ( pages. We hope they serve as little daily doses of life-force-filled musings as you continue to cultivate your own inner connections, more conscious conversations, and greater self awareness in these times!
We want to send Renee, Flower, Jonathan, Joanna, and Lee some deep gratitude for joining us and sharing their stories and wisdom with all of us, through these Good Vibes Broadcasts! And we want to thank our amazing WSSF community as well as any new listeners joining us for the first time! It takes a village of committed souls to gather together in this way and to take the conscious action steps every day to live the change we wish to see, in order to ultimately BE the change we desired all along. And that village of committed people rising in their own Hero’s Journeys in 2021 and beyond . . . is right here and right now today . . . creating a positive ripple in the world through our collective intentions and activating a greater sense of peace, purpose, meaning, and goodness for all!
So please spread the word about Whole Soul School and Foundation and our Good Vibes Broadcasts. Everyone can benefit from a little inspiration that is filled with real stories, real vibes, and real people rising. Pay it forward! Thank you. Blessings everyone!
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Timely & Timeless Podcasts in Review
Click the videos below to listen to these great messages!
** #45 Fireside Chats: Lacy Frazer & Marie Mohler
Discuss The Hero’s Crossing Of The Threshold
An essential podcast to better understand & embrace The Rising Hero’s Journey
** #14 Mind Body Spirit Fitness: Jonathan William
Cultivating Connection Thru Pyramids of Presence
** Global Spotlight: Joanna Plaza & Lee Peters Answer
The Call to Adventure & Explore Costa Rica!
** #1 Literacy Chats: Lacy Frazer, Marie Mohler, & Renee Taintor
Spotlight The Power & Ally of Language
Welcome to Whole Soul School and Foundation
Home of Good Vibes Broadcasting & The Rising Hero Within
Thank you for tuning in to Good Vibes Broadcasting & sharing these positive messages with others who need a lift and positive perspective shift in their lives. We hope our messages support you in your journey to rise, embrace, and be more of the gifts, the talents, the light, and the happiness that you truly desire to experience and share in the world. We’ll have some new podcasts and messengers in October. So stay tuned!
And thank you for all of your positive energy, enthusiasm, donations, and support.
Have a great day!
Marie, Lacy, & The Whole Team at Whole Soul School and Foundation
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