Marie Mohler and Lacy Frazer share in this first Fireside Chat a foundational conversation about the Soul’s Journey to Wholeness, focusing first on the Ego and the Conditioned Self. This is our Whole Soul School and Foundation’s topic and theme for January 2019. In this fireside chat, Marie and Lacy spotlight the 6 characteristics of the Ego Identity as described by Dr. Wayne Dyer in the film, The Shift. They discuss and describe the elements of the Ego and the Conditioned Self, and their influence in many of our lives, that creates the false self and the disguises we each wear . . . until the time comes when a greater authenticity, a greater truth, and a more profound soul alignment is summoned into our lives. For many people today, that summoning is occurring. We are being invited to learn more about who we really are, what our purpose for being here on this planet at this time is, and to look at the patterns and the parts of ourselves that are not in alignment with that inner awakening unfolding. This is an important conversation to ground these first insights into your conscious awareness . . . that the Ego and the Conditioned Self which we have grown deeply accustomed to as being our identity . . . may not be our true self and might not lead us to our greater purpose and best version of who we have the incredible potential to be. This Fireside Chat is Part 1 of a 2 Part series this month, illustrating and discussing the role of the Ego and the Conditioned Selves in our earth journeys. So enjoy this first introductory conversation and stay tuned for Part 2!