In Fireside Chats ~ Episode #49, Lacy Frazer and Marie Mohler spotlight and explore The Reward, which is Stage 9 of what Joseph Campbell called The Hero’s Journey. Themes of reflection, integration, and seeing through new vision and new lenses unfold, as the Hero absorbs many of the lessons gleaned in The Ordeal. In fact, personal growth, change, and transformation are perhaps the greatest rewards of all in these incredible hero’s journeys we all make. For the Hero is forever changed at this stage of the journey, because of the lessons gleaned in the most recent “battle” and experience, when his/her deepest darkest fears and greatest foe(s) were faced, released, and/or vanquished. The Hero’s Journey is a process that can teach us how to see life, and our own unique lives, with new lenses through much bigger picture vision . . . that brings a greater peace, understanding, purpose, and self acceptance. Join us in this fireside chats conversation that we hope empowers you in your journey . . . as you grow through your calls to adventure and your experiences of personal transformation as well!