In Fireside Chats No. 12, co-hosts Marie Mohler and Lacy Frazer talk about the powerful process of creatively visioning and consciously manifesting through the insights and lens of Mike Dooley, the narrator and creator of the film, Thoughts Become Things. This film offers rich insights and practical guidelines about how we can consistently engage the laws of the universe to vision, co-create, and manifest more of the life you desire! Additionally, Marie and Lacy candidly share some of their own experiences with a number of successful manifestations they’ve experienced over the years ~ as well as some “less successful” visions that turned out to be great learning experiences in the end! This video offers some some wonderful tales of real life examples of how engaging these principles and guidelines ~ does work every time ~ with precision ~ and without fail ~ if only we can begin to understand the deeper energies at work and at play through our thoughts, words, and actions every day . . . that are manifesting every detail of our lives. So join us in this awesome conversation today! Thanks for listening! And please include comments below about your own experiences with visioning and manifesting. What is a dream or desire that you visioned into form?

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