In Transformation Talks Episode No. 7, show host Lacy Frazer and guest David Morgenstern talk about the Incredible Transformative Power of Accepting 100% Responsibility for all areas and aspects of your life. In this episode, they share some great insights about our creative power as human beings . . . and our ability to choose how we RESPOND to any life circumstance, situation, or experience. They discuss how those RESPONSES to our every day life experiences are integrally connected to our RESPONSIBILITY for them. David Morgenstern shares some pretty incredible stories from his own life experiences, while in prison and since his re-entry into this new life and his family’s life . . . as he continues to pay it forward now in the form of service to people presently incarcerated and who presently may be seeking a new path in their own life. So many people are seeking a greater freedom. The bridge in many ways to that greater alignment and experience of True Freedom begins with a willigness to see the value of accepting and embracing 100% responsibility for the life you are living, the life you have lived, and the life still yet to be created. Join us in this very inspirational conversation for insights that may inspire positive change in your own journey!
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