
We are excited to share some good vibes and fresh inspirations with you today!

In August, we continued to explore The Rising Hero’s Journey by spotlighting Stage #4, Meeting The Mentor. Lacy Frazer and Marie Mohler shared empowering illustrations and insights about meeting the mentor on the path of self discovery and personal transformation in their recent Fireside Chats podcast. People were then gifted some pearls of wisdom and inspiration in a new Transformation Talks podcast with our special guest, Jeff Jones.  It is amazing how daily self awareness can lead to helping others in big and small ways!  Have we piqued your interest yet?  Well, wait no further!  We’ve included links below where you can easily access and enjoy these wonderful conversations and see how they inspire and ignite your own awareness in the journey!

Additionally, our new writer for Whole Soul School and Foundation, Renee Taintor, penned some amazing wisdom into an August blog post entitled: Partner With Your Heart & Take Responsibility For Your Life.  Renee captures beautifully what can happen when we see through our heart’s eyes.

“‘It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.’ – Antoine de Saint-Exupery 

We’ve been examining the components of The Hero’s Journey and finding that cultivating and trusting a connection with your heart is very important. As you progress on your journey, you become more aware of the reactions of your mind because your inner heart awareness has grown. You are instead being increasingly drawn to the inner voice that is now speaking to you. You may not completely understand it, but you feel a trust growing inside of you with which you can resonate. You find yourself being nudged and prodded to lead from your heart instead of your mind.

You learn that it’s quite a different dynamic when you are led by your mind. Your mind wants to manipulate the energies in yourself and others to find solutions and make things happen. It becomes a battle in your mind when your heart is also communicating with you. This is where you emerge as the decision maker to silence your mind so that you can hear the wisdom in your heart. This is also when you learn that your mind is not always your friend. Everyone can relate to fighting judgmental thoughts and arguments within your mind.

You also learn that your heart is loving, supportive, nurturing, and uplifting. It offers wisdom, knowledge, and solutions from that place inside of you where fear doesn’t exist. You awaken to a personal awareness of who you truly are. With that dawning awareness, comes revelations of where you’ve been compromising yourself or where you have been compromised, where you’ve been truthful or where you’ve not been, and where you have taken responsibility and where you haven’t. All of these revelations come with a deep call to personal responsibility in all areas of your life. . . .

The Hero’s Journey changes you. It changes how you meet yourself, how you now meet others, and how you see things, react to things, ponder things, and create things. You will meet others on your path who are on their Hero’s Journey. Go with confidence and trust the process. Trust your heart. And remember, that you’re on your own, forging this new path, listening, and learning . . . but you are not alone. There is great support within and all around you, if you open your eyes, ears, and perceptions to see it!”

You can read the complete blog article here.

And lastly, we want to spotlight in this newsletter today the beautiful poetry that Flower Diamond writes for Whole Soul School and Foundation each and every month!  You will see her soul-inspiring poems in our newsletter this month, and in future newsletters to come. You can also find more of her poetry on our WSSF Facebook and Twitter pages as well.  We call these special poems and additional inspirational quotes that we share on our social media platforms ~ Reminders For The Soul ~ because they are each a gem, a treasure, and an empowering bread crumb for us all to follow . . . to keep going and to keep rising in our heroic life adventures!

On behalf of the whole team here at Whole Soul School and Foundation, we thank you for joining us in these empowering conversations and supporting our Good Vibes Broadcasts.  For that is exactly what our mission here at Whole Soul School and Foundation is all about.  We aim to inspire and empower you in your Rising Hero’s Journey so that you can more easily partner with your heart, recognize a great mentor in your life, and more authentically BE YOU!

To enjoy the full August 2021 Newsletter, please click here.