In Mind Body Spirit Fitness Episode #17, Marie Mohler and Renee Taintor (author of many wonderful Whole Soul School and Foundation blog posts) discuss Renee’s recent inquiry . . . What Do You See In Humanity? Themes of looking for the good in humanity, conscious choice-points, observing judgements, allowing self acceptance, expanding our awareness of the power of perceptions, and being a force for good in the world are explored. Pollyanna was a great example in the great 1960 film ~ illustrating just how transformative looking for the good in people can be. Thank you for joining us and please share with others you know who would benefit from these messages!
About The Author
Marie Mohler is an author, intuitive, and co-founder of Whole Soul School and Foundation. She completed a BA in Psychology in 1993 and a Masters Degree in Psychology, Specializing in Professional Counseling, in 1997. Her first book was published through Haworth Press in 1999, and her second book was published by Harrington Park Press in 2002. After a profound healing crisis and catalyst occurred in her life in 2004, Marie awakened to her gifts as an empath and intuitive and continued writing and publishing both self help and children’s books in a unique book series entitled Shine Your Light Books. Today, she is the author of 16+ published books, 8 cds, and an engaging and inspirational blog series on